Cu multă plăcere am aflat că, într-un articol din International Speculative Fiction despre ficţiunea speculativă românească, vechiul meu prieten Cătălin Badea Gheracostea m-a menţionat. Articolul se intitulează "Short (Hi)Story of Romanian Speculative Fiction" şi prezintă publicaţiile din spaţiul SF românesc, premiile, curentele literare din ultimele cîteva decenii, scriitorii importanţi. Mai jos puteţi parcurge un alineat în care sînt prezentate unele dintre lucrările mele, iar articolul integral poate fi accesat aici.
"I cannot finish this chapter without mentioning two more exceptions. Well, the first is not quite an exception, as being a cyberpunk author, with a PhD in it: Florin Pîtea. Two volumes of short stories, An/Organic and Necropolis (2004) and one published novel, Gangland (2006), out of several on his computer, are the most elaborate writings within the sub-genre in Romanian language. There were that good that way too often were paralleled with Gibson's and Sterling's texts, by benevolent, but not very attentive critics. I say that because Florin Pîtea has his own approach especially in building characters who, even placed in post-industrial, post-cataclysmic America, or just into an dissolute American society, have an original mind and soul, different from the flaunted models. I don't believe an American writer could have written "Sarariman", from Necropolis. It simply has a different psychology, I wouldn't say “deeper”, but “different”. The best examples for the originality of Florin Pîtea's writing are two other characters, from Gangland, this time: Maria Alonzo, the single parent, federal agent who was laid off and takes a contract to find a teenager in Gangland; the “Father”, the teenager who takes care of younglings in Gangland. Both of them are humane not through their heroics, but for doing what they are supposed to do, by their own code, despite their heroics. Pîtea received for these books the Vladimir Colin award twice." (Cătălin Badea Gheracostea, "Short (Hi)Story of Romanian Speculative Fiction", p. 12)
(P.S. Fie că îmi scrieţi numele Pîtea, Pitea, Patea sau Pâtea, vă invit să îmi vizitaţi pagina oficială de web la adresa: Lectură plăcută!)
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